Men of Faith Director, Apostle Eric Hurd

Reflame Men of Faith Fellowship is the Men’s Ministry here at Reflame Ministries International.  Our desire is to help men have the courage to explore and begin their walk with Christ, the strength to develop the lifestyle that enhances the discipleship patterns of Christ, and the endurance to live a victorious life that allows their family, friends, colleagues and the younger generations to find their fulfillment in Christ.

Proverbs 27:17 says… “As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.

Our Vision:
We are here to encourage and equip men to live out their new life in Jesus. Every Christian man has a glorious destiny! It’s wonderful when brothers in Christ get together. We hope the fresh insight and loving fellowship that each man receives in these meetings will bless every area of his life. If God’s own adopted sons are living abundantly, then our families, friends, homes, communities, and workplaces will also benefit greatly!

Reflame Men Essentials:
1. We accept Jesus’ invitation to follow Him and invite others to come with us

2. We fulfill His commission to make disciples. We focus on being personal disciplship to maturity and also regularly disciple others just as we were taught.

3. We call each man to know and walk in their new and true identity in Jesus.
• We are LOVED powerfully and without condition.
• We are now HOLY sons of God, to be filled with the Holy Spirit

We Meet:

Wednesdays 7 pm at Island Comfort in Waipahu

Once a month we have a multi-church Men of Faith Fellowship on the third Friday at 7 pm.  Men of Faith monthly fellowship is at Message of Peace Ministry in Ewa Beach.




Up Coming Conferences…

April 29, 30 & May 1 at Makanalani Event Center near Kilauea on Kaua’i.  Click the image for more details.